Last update: August 02, 2010, at 08:42 PM
Instructor: Dr. Dennis Majoe (ETH Zurich)
Location: CHN D 42 (ETH Central Campus, → Map)
Time: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 from 9:00 to 12:30
Admission: The workshop is free to all persons holding a DAW07 general pass.
This workshop sets out to study the relationship between the underlying benefits of Tai Chi and related Martial Arts and to find a relationship with Arts and Digital Arts. Qi energy flow as developed during Tai Chi has been studied by combining computer and motion sensor systems and studying teacher and practitioner movements. The workshop will start with describing the current research and explaining the traditional Chinese medicine explanation for sustainable health and well being through Qi flow. Then the theory and future embodiments of the research will be explained further using various Tai Chi and martial arts concepts and live experiments. A relationship will be postulated between the benefits of Qi flow for Martial Arts and how this could map directly to Arts and Digital Arts. Participants will be invited to actively particpate in various experiments and participate in discussions and conclusions.
Note: Please wear clothing in which you move around in.
Location: Visdome, ETH Main Building
Time: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 from 9:00 to 12:30
Admission: Free
Abstract: The Live Visuals Workshop introduces various approaches to live visuals, both from an artistic viewpoint as well as from a software engineering viewpoint.
Target Audience: Artists and software engineers interested in the relationship between art and technology in the context of audio and vision.
"The basic point is getting people to start thinking about multimedia software design at all levels in how it relates to artistic expression and one's ability to perform with it where the software is both an expression of one's ideas and philosophy of multimedia as well as a means to their actualization in multimedia performances." (Wes Hoke)
Steve Gibson will discuss his work in sound, light and visuals and will focus on the synaesthetic relationship between these elements in his pieces "Virtual DJ", "CONTACT" (with Randy Adams) and the upcoming "Mindful Play Environment" (with Dene Grigar, Will Bauer and Justin Love) for the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry.