Last update: June 06, 2010, at 10:31 AM
Location: Various (See individual events)
Festival Times: Thursday, July 1st to Sunday, July 4th
About the Festival Events
“Piano Pataphysics“ → more This concert presents a collection of pieces that are concerned with musical transcendence. Some of these relate to a spiritual transcendence, some to a physical transcendence and some to an ironical (or meta-ironical) transcendence. The programme mixes works for piano and electroacoustic sound alone with works for combined piano and electroacoustic sound. There is an historical dimension to the programme, tracing an ironical path from Satie and Duchamp through a spiritual path via Skrjabin and Neil Salley to the contemporary composers Simon Atkinson, John Richards and Andrew Hugill, all of whom work at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK.
“Scores and Screens" → more is a multifaceted programme that brings together image and sound through synaesthetic connections. This is achieved in part by presenting the “music score“ as an aesthetic image in itself, in part by having static or moving images “seen“ in sound (in which a music score serves as a visual reference to the sounds made), and finally by also letting the public respond to the visual elements of a still or moving image sonically and affect the performance in turn.
“Volumes & Visions“ → more will feature new forms of audio-visual media art from a diverse body of artists and sound practitioners. New forms of audio-visual hybrids will be explored including: synaesthetic performance; DJ/VJ performance; live video and sound, multimedia manifestations and new forms of music video.
“Digital Screenings“ → more In the 21st century, China has shown tremendous vitality and has emerged as a major economic and political power. It also has a great underlying potential to be the global nexus of digital media art, in both fine arts and commercial areas. The “Digital Asian” event represents a large number of talented digital media artists, and creators of digital art and digital communication in China, who have been working in variety of digital media, including digital generated prints, narrative and non-narrative videos and films, 2D and 3D animations and experimental installations and performances.