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- a forum to promote excellence in innovation

Event Dates: Thursday 9th & Friday 10th May 2013

Venue: Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) → more info


The Innovations Forum takes a novel approach to presenting innovation within the context of a series of events dedicated to technology. Focusing on the creative impulse that drives innovation, the forum invites presenters from all disciplines who acknowledge that “a need for change” is the key-driving factor behind all forms of innovation. Exercising openness in participation in the attempt to include all possible categories of knowledge and practice, the forum pushes forward with innovations that predict and build robustness against negative occurrences or with those that can be exploited for their potential to bring about positive outcome. The Innovations Forum therefore embraces counter factual thinking to avoid psychological biases that may collectively blind all to ideas outside the realm of common expectations, lending attention not only to possible possibilities but also acknowledging the impossible possibilities. The Innovations Forum's focuses on art and science hybrids and its program reveals this in related exhibition Hybrid Highlights, in workshops, and during the 20by20 pechakucha-like presentation platform. The Innovations Forum is also where DAW supporters and participants meet and mix informally and where appreciation and support for both arts and science find their meeting point culturally.


Events 9th May 2013

10:00-16:00ArtScience Paper Presentation
17:00-17:45Highlights Hybrids Exhibition Opening
 (Welcome Address by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmitt, SEC Director)
17:45-19:00Innovation Playground, a 20by20 Show (Part I)
 (Kick Off Talk by Prof. Dr. Dirk Helbing)
19:00-19:30Break & Refreshments
19:30-20:45Innovation Playground, a 20by20 Show (Part II)
 (Kick Off Talk by Dr. Nick Schurch)
20:45-21:00Break & Refreshments
21:00-endArt/Science Hybrids Performances

Events 10th May 2013

10:00-15:00Value Lab Asia Workshop

About the Venue

The Value Lab Asia is a digitally augmented collaborative environment, equipped with several touch surfaces and a very high-resolution video wall, and is located at the new CREATE campus of the Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF). In partnership with ETH Zurich's Future Cities Laboratory, the DAW International is hosting a competition for new works that will part of an exhibition for novel interactive applications and installations that exploit the possibilities of the Value Lab Asia. See the Open Call works below for more information.


Copyright @ ETH Zürich
Page last modified on December 30, 2017, at 09:43 PM